
class cmd2.cmd2.Cmd(completekey: str = 'tab', stdin=None, stdout=None, *, persistent_history_file: str = '', persistent_history_length: int = 1000, startup_script: str = '', use_ipython: bool = False, allow_cli_args: bool = True, transcript_files: Optional[List[str]] = None, allow_redirection: bool = True, multiline_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None, terminators: Optional[List[str]] = None, shortcuts: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None)

An easy but powerful framework for writing line-oriented command interpreters.

Extends the Python Standard Library’s cmd package by adding a lot of useful features to the out of the box configuration.

Line-oriented command interpreters are often useful for test harnesses, internal tools, and rapid prototypes.


Normalize and casefold Unicode strings for saner comparisons.

Parameters:astr – input unicode string
Returns:a normalized and case-folded version of the input string
NATURAL_SORT_KEY() → List[Union[int, str]]

Converts a string into a list of integers and strings to support natural sorting (see natural_sort).

For example: natural_keys(‘abc123def’) -> [‘abc’, ‘123’, ‘def’] :param input_str: string to convert :return: list of strings and integers


Read-only property to access the aliases stored in the StatementParser


Read-only property needed to support do_set when it reads allow_ansi

async_alert(alert_msg: str, new_prompt: Optional[str] = None) → None

Display an important message to the user while they are at a command line prompt. To the user it appears as if an alert message is printed above the prompt and their current input text and cursor location is left alone.

Raises a RuntimeError if called while another thread holds terminal_lock.

IMPORTANT: This function will not print an alert unless it can acquire self.terminal_lock to ensure
a prompt is onscreen. Therefore it is best to acquire the lock before calling this function to guarantee the alert prints.
  • alert_msg – the message to display to the user
  • new_prompt – if you also want to change the prompt that is displayed, then include it here see async_update_prompt() docstring for guidance on updating a prompt
async_update_prompt(new_prompt: str) → None

Update the command line prompt while the user is still typing at it. This is good for alerting the user to system changes dynamically in between commands. For instance you could alter the color of the prompt to indicate a system status or increase a counter to report an event. If you do alter the actual text of the prompt, it is best to keep the prompt the same width as what’s on screen. Otherwise the user’s input text will be shifted and the update will not be seamless.

Raises a RuntimeError if called while another thread holds terminal_lock.

IMPORTANT: This function will not update the prompt unless it can acquire self.terminal_lock to ensure

a prompt is onscreen. Therefore it is best to acquire the lock before calling this function to guarantee the prompt changes.

If a continuation prompt is currently being displayed while entering a multiline command, the onscreen prompt will not change. However self.prompt will still be updated and display immediately after the multiline line command completes.

Parameters:new_prompt – what to change the prompt to
cmd_func(command: str) → Optional[Callable]

Get the function for a command :param command: the name of the command

cmdloop(intro: Optional[str] = None) → int

This is an outer wrapper around _cmdloop() which deals with extra features provided by cmd2.

_cmdloop() provides the main loop equivalent to cmd.cmdloop(). This is a wrapper around that which deals with the following extra features provided by cmd2: - transcript testing - intro banner - exit code

Parameters:intro – if provided this overrides self.intro and serves as the intro banner printed once at start
complete(text: str, state: int) → Optional[str]

Override of cmd2’s complete method which returns the next possible completion for ‘text’

This completer function is called by readline as complete(text, state), for state in 0, 1, 2, …, until it returns a non-string value. It should return the next possible completion starting with text.

Since readline suppresses any exception raised in completer functions, they can be difficult to debug. Therefore this function wraps the actual tab completion logic and prints to stderr any exception that occurs before returning control to readline.

  • text – the current word that user is typing
  • state – non-negative integer

the next possible completion for text or None

complete_help_command(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int) → List[str]

Completes the command argument of help

complete_help_subcommands(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, arg_tokens: Dict[str, List[str]]) → List[str]

Completes the subcommands argument of help

default(statement: cmd2.parsing.Statement) → Optional[bool]

Executed when the command given isn’t a recognized command implemented by a do_* method.

Parameters:statement – Statement object with parsed input
delimiter_complete(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, match_against: Iterable[T_co], delimiter: str) → List[str]

Performs tab completion against a list but each match is split on a delimiter and only the portion of the match being tab completed is shown as the completion suggestions. This is useful if you match against strings that are hierarchical in nature and have a common delimiter.

An easy way to illustrate this concept is path completion since paths are just directories/files delimited by a slash. If you are tab completing items in /home/user you don’t get the following as suggestions:

/home/user/file.txt /home/user/program.c /home/user/maps/ /home/user/

Instead you are shown:

file.txt program.c maps/

For a large set of data, this can be visually more pleasing and easier to search.

Another example would be strings formatted with the following syntax: company::department::name In this case the delimiter would be :: and the user could easily narrow down what they are looking for if they were only shown suggestions in the category they are at in the string.

  • text – the string prefix we are attempting to match (all matches must begin with it)
  • line – the current input line with leading whitespace removed
  • begidx – the beginning index of the prefix text
  • endidx – the ending index of the prefix text
  • match_against – the list being matched against
  • delimiter – what delimits each portion of the matches (ex: paths are delimited by a slash)

a list of possible tab completions

disable_category(category: str, message_to_print: str) → None

Disable an entire category of commands.

  • category – the category to disable
  • message_to_print – what to print when anything in this category is run or help is called on it while disabled. The variable COMMAND_NAME can be used as a placeholder for the name of the command being disabled. ex: message_to_print = “{} is currently disabled”.format(COMMAND_NAME)
disable_command(command: str, message_to_print: str) → None

Disable a command and overwrite its functions :param command: the command being disabled :param message_to_print: what to print when this command is run or help is called on it while disabled

The variable COMMAND_NAME can be used as a placeholder for the name of the command being disabled. ex: message_to_print = “{} is currently disabled”.format(COMMAND_NAME)
do__relative_run_script(args: argparse.Namespace) → Optional[bool]

Run commands in script file that is encoded as either ASCII or UTF-8 text

Script should contain one command per line, just like the command would be typed in the console.

If the -t/–transcript flag is used, this command instead records the output of the script commands to a transcript for testing purposes.

If this is called from within an already-running script, the filename will be interpreted relative to the already-running script’s directory.

do_alias(args: argparse.Namespace) → None

Manage aliases

An alias is a command that enables replacement of a word by another string.

do_edit(args: argparse.Namespace) → None

Run a text editor and optionally open a file with it

The editor used is determined by a settable parameter. To set it:

set editor (program-name)
do_eof(_: argparse.Namespace) → bool

Called when <Ctrl>-D is pressed

do_help(args: argparse.Namespace) → None

List available commands or provide detailed help for a specific command

do_history(args: argparse.Namespace) → Optional[bool]

View, run, edit, save, or clear previously entered commands

do_macro(args: argparse.Namespace) → None

Manage macros

A macro is similar to an alias, but it can contain argument placeholders.

do_py(args: argparse.Namespace) → Optional[bool]

Invoke Python command or shell

Note that, when invoking a command directly from the command line, this shell has limited ability to parse Python statements into tokens. In particular, there may be problems with whitespace and quotes depending on their placement.

If you see strange parsing behavior, it’s best to just open the Python shell by providing no arguments to py and run more complex statements there.

do_quit(_: argparse.Namespace) → bool

Exit this application

do_run_pyscript(args: argparse.Namespace) → Optional[bool]

Run a Python script file inside the console

do_run_script(args: argparse.Namespace) → Optional[bool]

Run commands in script file that is encoded as either ASCII or UTF-8 text

Script should contain one command per line, just like the command would be typed in the console.

If the -t/–transcript flag is used, this command instead records the output of the script commands to a transcript for testing purposes.

do_set(args: argparse.Namespace) → None

Set a settable parameter or show current settings of parameters

Accepts abbreviated parameter names so long as there is no ambiguity. Call without arguments for a list of settable parameters with their values.

do_shell(args: argparse.Namespace) → None

Execute a command as if at the OS prompt

do_shortcuts(_: argparse.Namespace) → None

List available shortcuts

enable_category(category: str) → None

Enable an entire category of commands :param category: the category to enable

enable_command(command: str) → None

Enable a command by restoring its functions :param command: the command being enabled

flag_based_complete(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, flag_dict: Dict[str, Union[Iterable[T_co], Callable]], *, all_else: Union[None, Iterable[T_co], Callable] = None) → List[str]

Tab completes based on a particular flag preceding the token being completed.

  • text – the string prefix we are attempting to match (all matches must begin with it)
  • line – the current input line with leading whitespace removed
  • begidx – the beginning index of the prefix text
  • endidx – the ending index of the prefix text
  • flag_dict – dictionary whose structure is the following: keys - flags (ex: -c, –create) that result in tab completion for the next argument in the command line values - there are two types of values: 1. iterable list of strings to match against (dictionaries, lists, etc.) 2. function that performs tab completion (ex: path_complete)
  • all_else – an optional parameter for tab completing any token that isn’t preceded by a flag in flag_dict

a list of possible tab completions

get_all_commands() → List[str]

Return a list of all commands

get_help_topics() → List[str]

Return a list of help topics


Return an alphabetized list of names comprising the attributes of the cmd2 class instance.

get_visible_commands() → List[str]

Return a list of commands that have not been hidden or disabled

in_pyscript() → bool

Return whether a pyscript is running

in_script() → bool

Return whether a text script is running

index_based_complete(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, index_dict: Mapping[int, Union[Iterable[T_co], Callable]], *, all_else: Union[None, Iterable[T_co], Callable] = None) → List[str]

Tab completes based on a fixed position in the input string.

  • text – the string prefix we are attempting to match (all matches must begin with it)
  • line – the current input line with leading whitespace removed
  • begidx – the beginning index of the prefix text
  • endidx – the ending index of the prefix text
  • index_dict – dictionary whose structure is the following: keys - 0-based token indexes into command line that determine which tokens perform tab completion values - there are two types of values: 1. iterable list of strings to match against (dictionaries, lists, etc.) 2. function that performs tab completion (ex: path_complete)
  • all_else – an optional parameter for tab completing any token that isn’t at an index in index_dict

a list of possible tab completions

onecmd(statement: Union[cmd2.parsing.Statement, str], *, add_to_history: bool = True) → bool

This executes the actual do_* method for a command.

If the command provided doesn’t exist, then it executes default() instead.

  • statement – intended to be a Statement instance parsed command from the input stream, alternative acceptance of a str is present only for backward compatibility with cmd
  • add_to_history – If True, then add this command to history. Defaults to True.

a flag indicating whether the interpretation of commands should stop

onecmd_plus_hooks(line: str, *, add_to_history: bool = True, py_bridge_call: bool = False) → bool

Top-level function called by cmdloop() to handle parsing a line and running the command and all of its hooks.

  • line – command line to run
  • add_to_history – If True, then add this command to history. Defaults to True.
  • py_bridge_call – This should only ever be set to True by PyBridge to signify the beginning of an app() call from Python. It is used to enable/disable the storage of the command’s stdout.

True if running of commands should stop

parseline(line: str) → Tuple[str, str, str]

Parse the line into a command name and a string containing the arguments.

NOTE: This is an override of a parent class method. It is only used by other parent class methods.

Different from the parent class method, this ignores self.identchars.

Parameters:line – line read by readline
Returns:tuple containing (command, args, line)
path_complete(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, *, path_filter: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None) → List[str]

Performs completion of local file system paths

  • text – the string prefix we are attempting to match (all matches must begin with it)
  • line – the current input line with leading whitespace removed
  • begidx – the beginning index of the prefix text
  • endidx – the ending index of the prefix text
  • path_filter – optional filter function that determines if a path belongs in the results this function takes a path as its argument and returns True if the path should be kept in the results

a list of possible tab completions

static perror(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n', apply_style: bool = True) → None

Print message to sys.stderr

  • msg – message to print (anything convertible to a str with ‘{}’.format() is OK)
  • end – string appended after the end of the message, default a newline
  • apply_style – If True, then ansi.style_error will be applied to the message text. Set to False in cases where the message text already has the desired style. Defaults to True.
pexcept(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n', apply_style: bool = True) → None

Print Exception message to sys.stderr. If debug is true, print exception traceback if one exists.

  • msg – message or Exception to print
  • end – string appended after the end of the message, default a newline
  • apply_style – If True, then ansi.style_error will be applied to the message text. Set to False in cases where the message text already has the desired style. Defaults to True.
pfeedback(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n') → None

For printing nonessential feedback. Can be silenced with quiet. Inclusion in redirected output is controlled by feedback_to_output. :param msg: message to print (anything convertible to a str with ‘{}’.format() is OK) :param end: string appended after the end of the message, default a newline

poutput(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n') → None

Print message to self.stdout and appends a newline by default

Also handles BrokenPipeError exceptions for when a commands’s output has been piped to another process and that process terminates before the cmd2 command is finished executing.

  • msg – message to print (anything convertible to a str with ‘{}’.format() is OK)
  • end – string appended after the end of the message, default a newline
ppaged(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n', chop: bool = False) → None

Print output using a pager if it would go off screen and stdout isn’t currently being redirected.

Never uses a pager inside of a script (Python or text) or when output is being redirected or piped or when stdout or stdin are not a fully functional terminal.

  • msg – message to print to current stdout (anything convertible to a str with ‘{}’.format() is OK)
  • end – string appended after the end of the message, default a newline
  • chop
    True -> causes lines longer than the screen width to be chopped (truncated) rather than wrapped
    • truncated text is still accessible by scrolling with the right & left arrow keys
    • chopping is ideal for displaying wide tabular data as is done in utilities like pgcli
    False -> causes lines longer than the screen width to wrap to the next line
    • wrapping is ideal when you want to keep users from having to use horizontal scrolling

WARNING: On Windows, the text always wraps regardless of what the chop argument is set to

precmd(statement: cmd2.parsing.Statement) → cmd2.parsing.Statement

Hook method executed just before the command is processed by onecmd() and after adding it to the history.

Parameters:statement – subclass of str which also contains the parsed input
Returns:a potentially modified version of the input Statement object
pwarning(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n', apply_style: bool = True) → None

Like perror, but applies ansi.style_warning by default

  • msg – message to print (anything convertible to a str with ‘{}’.format() is OK)
  • end – string appended after the end of the message, default a newline
  • apply_style – If True, then ansi.style_warning will be applied to the message text. Set to False in cases where the message text already has the desired style. Defaults to True.
read_input(prompt: str, *, allow_completion: bool = False) → str

Read input from appropriate stdin value. Also allows you to disable tab completion while input is being read. :param prompt: prompt to display to user :param allow_completion: if True, then tab completion of commands is enabled. This generally should be set to False unless reading the command line. Defaults to False. :return: the line read from stdin with all trailing new lines removed :raises any exceptions raised by input() and stdin.readline()

register_cmdfinalization_hook(func: Callable[[cmd2.plugin.CommandFinalizationData], cmd2.plugin.CommandFinalizationData]) → None

Register a hook to be called after a command is completed, whether it completes successfully or not.

register_postcmd_hook(func: Callable[[cmd2.plugin.PostcommandData], cmd2.plugin.PostcommandData]) → None

Register a hook to be called after the command function.

register_postloop_hook(func: Callable[[None], None]) → None

Register a function to be called at the end of the command loop.

register_postparsing_hook(func: Callable[[cmd2.plugin.PostparsingData], cmd2.plugin.PostparsingData]) → None

Register a function to be called after parsing user input but before running the command

register_precmd_hook(func: Callable[[cmd2.plugin.PrecommandData], cmd2.plugin.PrecommandData]) → None

Register a hook to be called before the command function.

register_preloop_hook(func: Callable[[None], None]) → None

Register a function to be called at the beginning of the command loop.

runcmds_plus_hooks(cmds: List[Union[cmd2.history.HistoryItem, str]], *, add_to_history: bool = True) → bool

Used when commands are being run in an automated fashion like text scripts or history replays. The prompt and command line for each command will be printed if echo is True.

  • cmds – commands to run
  • add_to_history – If True, then add these commands to history. Defaults to True.

True if running of commands should stop

select(opts: Union[str, List[str], List[Tuple[Any, Optional[str]]]], prompt: str = 'Your choice? ') → str

Presents a numbered menu to the user. Modeled after the bash shell’s SELECT. Returns the item chosen.

Argument opts can be:

a single string -> will be split into one-word options
a list of strings -> will be offered as options
a list of tuples -> interpreted as (value, text), so that the return value can differ from the text advertised to the user
set_window_title(title: str) → None

Set the terminal window title.

Raises a RuntimeError if called while another thread holds terminal_lock.

IMPORTANT: This function will not set the title unless it can acquire self.terminal_lock to avoid
writing to stderr while a command is running. Therefore it is best to acquire the lock before calling this function to guarantee the title changes.
Parameters:title – the new window title
shell_cmd_complete(text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, *, complete_blank: bool = False) → List[str]

Performs completion of executables either in a user’s path or a given path

  • text – the string prefix we are attempting to match (all matches must begin with it)
  • line – the current input line with leading whitespace removed
  • begidx – the beginning index of the prefix text
  • endidx – the ending index of the prefix text
  • complete_blank – If True, then a blank will complete all shell commands in a user’s path. If False, then no completion is performed. Defaults to False to match Bash shell behavior.

a list of possible tab completions

sigint_handler(signum: int, frame) → None

Signal handler for SIGINTs which typically come from Ctrl-C events.

If you need custom SIGINT behavior, then override this function.

  • signum – signal number
  • frame – required param for signal handlers
tokens_for_completion(line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int) → Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

Used by tab completion functions to get all tokens through the one being completed.

  • line – the current input line with leading whitespace removed
  • begidx – the beginning index of the prefix text
  • endidx – the ending index of the prefix text

A 2 item tuple where the items are On Success - tokens: list of unquoted tokens - this is generally the list needed for tab completion functions - raw_tokens: list of tokens with any quotes preserved = this can be used to know if a token was quoted or is missing a closing quote Both lists are guaranteed to have at least 1 item. The last item in both lists is the token being tab completed On Failure - Two empty lists


Read-only property to get the visible prompt with any ANSI escape codes stripped.

Used by transcript testing to make it easier and more reliable when users are doing things like coloring the prompt using ANSI color codes.

Returns:prompt stripped of any ANSI escape codes