Installation Instructions

This section covers the basics of how to install, upgrade, and uninstall cmd2.


First you need to make sure you have Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+, pip, and setuptools. Then you can just use pip to install from PyPI.


Depending on how and where you have installed Python on your system and on what OS you are using, you may need to have administrator or root privileges to install Python packages. If this is the case, take the necessary steps required to run the commands in this section as root/admin, e.g.: on most Linux or Mac systems, you can precede them with sudo:

sudo pip install <package_name>

Requirements for Installing

  • If you have Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 installed from, you will already have pip and setuptools, but may need to upgrade to the latest versions:

    On Linux or OS X:

    pip install -U pip setuptools

    On Windows:

    python -m pip install -U pip setuptools

Use pip for Installing

pip is the recommended installer. Installing packages from PyPI with pip is easy:

pip install cmd2

This should also install the required 3rd-party dependencies, if necessary.

Install from GitHub using pip

The latest version of cmd2 can be installed directly from the master branch on GitHub using pip:

pip install -U git+git://

This should also install the required 3rd-party dependencies, if necessary.

Install from Debian or Ubuntu repos

We recommend installing from pip, but if you wish to install from Debian or Ubuntu repos this can be done with apt-get.

For Python 2:

sudo apt-get install python-cmd2

For Python 3:

sudo apt-get install python3-cmd2

This will also install the required 3rd-party dependencies.


Versions of cmd2 before 0.7.0 should be considered to be of unstable “beta” quality and should not be relied upon for production use. If you cannot get a version >= 0.7 from your OS repository, then we recommend installing from either pip or GitHub - see Use pip for Installing or Install from GitHub using pip.

Deploy with your project

cmd2 is contained in only one Python file (, so it can be easily copied into your project. The copyright and license notice must be retained.

This is an option suitable for advanced Python users. You can simply include this file within your project’s hierarchy. If you want to modify cmd2, this may be a reasonable option. Though, we encourage you to use stock cmd2 and either composition or inheritance to achieve the same goal.

This approach will obviously NOT automatically install the required 3rd-party dependencies, so you need to make sure the following Python packages are installed:

  • six
  • pyparsing
  • pyperclip

Upgrading cmd2

Upgrade an already installed cmd2 to the latest version from PyPI:

pip install -U cmd2

This will upgrade to the newest stable version of cmd2 and will also upgrade any dependencies if necessary.

Uninstalling cmd2

If you wish to permanently uninstall cmd2, this can also easily be done with pip:

pip uninstall cmd2

Extra requirement for Python 2.7 only

If you want to be able to pipe the output of commands to a shell command on Python 2.7, then you will need one additional package installed:

  • subprocess32