
cmd2 adds tab completion of file system paths for all built-in commands where it makes sense, including:

  • edit
  • run_pyscript
  • run_script
  • shell

cmd2 also adds tab completion of shell commands to the shell command.

Additionally, it is trivial to add identical file system path completion to your own custom commands. Suppose you have defined a custom command foo by implementing the do_foo method. To enable path completion for the foo command, then add a line of code similar to the following to your class which inherits from cmd2.Cmd:

complete_foo = cmd2.Cmd.path_complete

This will effectively define the complete_foo readline completer method in your class and make it utilize the same path completion logic as the built-in commands.

The built-in logic allows for a few more advanced path completion capabilities, such as cases where you only want to match directories. Suppose you have a custom command bar implemented by the do_bar method. You can enable path completion of directories only for this command by adding a line of code similar to the following to your class which inherits from cmd2.Cmd:

# Make sure you have an "import functools" somewhere at the top
complete_bar = functools.partialmethod(cmd2.Cmd.path_complete, path_filter=os.path.isdir)

Tab Completion Using Argparse Decorators

When using one the Argparse-based Decorators, cmd2 provides automatic tab completion of flag names.

Tab completion of argument values can be configured by using one of five parameters to argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument()

  • choices
  • choices_function / choices_method
  • completer_function / completer_method

See the arg_decorators or colors example for a demonstration of how to use the choices parameter. See the argparse_completion example for a demonstration of how to use the choices_function and choices_method parameters. See the arg_decorators or argparse_completion example for a demonstration of how to use the completer_method parameter.

When tab completing flags and/or argument values for a cmd2 command using one of these decorators, cmd2 keeps track of state so that once a flag has already previously been provided, it won’t attempt to tab complete it again. When no completion results exists, a hint for the current argument will be displayed to help the user.

CompletionItem For Providing Extra Context

When tab completing things like a unique ID from a database, it can often be beneficial to provide the user with some extra context about the item being completed, such as a description. To facilitate this, cmd2 defines the CompletionItem class which can be returned from any of the 4 completion functions: choices_function, choices_method, completion_function, or completion_method.

class cmd2.argparse_custom.CompletionItem(value: object, desc: str = '', *args, **kwargs)

Completion item with descriptive text attached

See header of this file for more information

See the argparse_completion example or the implementation of the built-in set command for demonstration of how this is used.